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Tuesday, January 2, 2018

I didn't let fear win today!

2018 is already proving to be magical!  Things I am seeking are finding their way to me with such ease.  It is amazing to see it happen as fast and easily as it is.

I sent out a call for assistance dealing with judgement a few days ago.  This morning the book “Judgement Detox” was placed right in front of my face in an email.  Even better, I was able to do a free 14 day trial to audible and get this book for FREE AND LISTEN TO IT WHILE I WORK!!!  I honestly have no idea how all this happened, I didn’t go looking for any of it and I am quite sure I have already done the free 14 day trial in the past with Audible and find it hard to believe they would allow me to do it again.  I will gladly take it all with loving gratitude from the bottom of my heart!

The first exercise in the book is to make 4 columns.  Write out 15 things/people you judge or have judged in column 1.  Write how that judgement makes you feel in column 2.  In column 3 write why you feel justified to feel that judgement.  Last, in column 4 try and go back and figure out the moment or events that triggered you to feel justified.  I thought I had only done 10, but I actually ended up with 16.  Then after you are done, you are supposed to look back to see if there are any patterns to what you wrote down.  Any surprises?  And ask yourself how it feels to witness what you wrote.  This is what got me.  I consider myself to be very mindful and aware of my judgements.  I have spent at least the past year practicing just this – watching my thoughts and thought patterns – so this is right up my alley but I really didn’t think I would get any new insights from it.  But, I did!  The pattern in all of them ---àFEAR!!!  Fear that I would do/be/say the things I was judging.  All of these judgements stem from the fear that I too have these characteristics within me that I have already judged as my “shadow” and have been trying to keep them hidden and starving, locked away from all to see.  What a gift!  What a beautiful gift to see your judgement as what it really is.  If I can remember each time I find myself judging something or someone that it is just the ego being triggered.  This is just a gift showing you that you have a belief about this, about yourself, that you are not good enough or are wrong.  That there is something about you relating to this that you believe you have to hide, that you believe to be “bad” or “wrong”…..Because if I can get there, I can center and connect with truth and love and nonjudgement and acceptance.  I can bring out that shadow I have been hiding and send it love and understanding and acceptance.  And that is where the true healing comes in.  Once I can accept and embrace that shadow and bring it out of hiding, it shifts and changes.  It doesn’t hold that dark power anymore.  It transforms into magic and love and connection.  It makes me stronger and so much more authentic.

So, thank you Gabrielle Bernstein for this wonderful book!  Thank you judgement for showing me fear.  Thank you fear for showing me my shadows.  Thank you shadows for showing me where I need to send extra love and acceptance.  And thank you for this entire process for showing me ways to be more authentic and accepting on this beautiful day!